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estetik cerrahi

Patient guide

For patients coming from abroad and out of town:

We provide your transfer from the airport to the city. To do this, you need to inform us your flight number and the landing day and time of your plane. You should also inform us how many people are coming and the names of the people coming.

If your flight lands in Istanbul in the morning, our driver will pick you up from the airport and bring you to our clinic. We will perform your examination that day.

If your flight lands in the afternoon, our driver will take you to your hotel. Your examination will be at 13:00 the next day.

We perform your surgery within 2-3 days after the examination.

We do not make hotel reservations or purchase flight tickets for patients coming from outside Istanbul. You must do these yourself online.

Please consult your doctor in which region you should make a hotel reservation.

Be sure to make an appointment and come to the examination. Make your appointments with Dr. Oytun idyll provides itself. Dr. You can reach Oytun İdil on her mobile phones: +90 533 5690649 and +90 505 2965569..

We usually perform our examinations in our clinic between 13:00-16:00 in the afternoon.

Day of surgery.. The patient must come to the hospital hungry (food and water are prohibited). Your doctor will tell you how many hours you should fast for. The surgery takes approximately 1 hour. The patient is taken to the service after the surgery and discharged three hours later.

There is no specific dressing for the surgery. A printed bandage is applied to the upper lip only for the first evening. The patient should not eat grainy solid food for 2-3 days. During these 2-3 days, you eat juicy foods and frequently clean your mouth with mouth disinfectant (disinfectant mouthwash). Takes antibiotics (in syrup form). The medications to be taken upon discharge are prescribed in syrup form.

He usually comes to the clinic for a check-up 2-3 days after discharge.

Oytun İdil M.D.    (Aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeon)
Address: Rumeli cad. No:3 D:1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul / Türkiye
E-mail: oytunmd@gmail.com
GSM: +90 533 569 0649    +90 505 296 5569    +90 553 985 8087
Office: +90 212 296 3656    +90 505 137 1393
Whatsapp: +90 533 569 0649    +90 553 985 8087